Archive for March, 2012

Exercise with Buffy

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized

Since my last post about a month ago, I have injured my shoulder thus putting my X-Factor workout on hold. Now I’m jogging/ walking two miles per day. Don’t be fooled staying focused to walk in long fast strides is a great workout. If you have never tried it, do it today and see what your muscles tell you in the morning.

Another routine that has morphed is doing moderate stretching while watching old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix. Don’t knock it. I never watched it while it was on network, but now I’m hooked! Can my workout Imagepsychosis get any wackier? I will not answer. Next up, jumping jacks while watching the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. There’s your motivation by golly.