Time for dvd 2

Posted: February 19, 2012 in Uncategorized

Yes, this is the farthest I’ve ever gone in any workout! Four times in a row. If I can do this, what else is out there? OK, I’m through with the first of 12 dvd’s in the program. On Tuesday, we’ll begin with the second disc. Feeling strong folks.

There are three segments in each phase in the program. A 30, 45 and 90 second workouts. My two young boys are watching me from the couch, since I interrupted their Cartoon  Network time. So at the end of each interval session, they applauded. Now I’ve been a musician for 30 years and love the applause, it’s addictive. But try being applauded for working out, even though it’s your kids is hilarious. Enough so that it was hark to catch my breath and laugh at the same time. But a good sign in closing, at the end of the session, I was ready for the next interval, when the instructor said “you did it! Good job!” Really, that’s it? What a sign for me. Again, intestinal fortitude baby, eye of the tiger!!!

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