Exercise with Buffy

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized

Since my last post about a month ago, I have injured my shoulder thus putting my X-Factor workout on hold. Now I’m jogging/ walking two miles per day. Don’t be fooled staying focused to walk in long fast strides is a great workout. If you have never tried it, do it today and see what your muscles tell you in the morning.

Another routine that has morphed is doing moderate stretching while watching old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix. Don’t knock it. I never watched it while it was on network, but now I’m hooked! Can my workout Imagepsychosis get any wackier? I will not answer. Next up, jumping jacks while watching the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. There’s your motivation by golly. 

Don’t be Sore!

Posted: February 20, 2012 in Uncategorized

It’s really hard not to be whiny. Man, everything aches. I’ve spent 40 years tearing my body down, now I have to spend the next 40 trying to put it back together. This is a day off before starting my second workout level. Yes! (Feels good to say that, even though I don’t think I’ve lost any weight.) My five year-old and I are going to attempt to clean this carpet he and his brother have decimated. Cola, other various juices, chips, ground in cookies are today’s experiment. let’s see if the Rug Doctor is all it claims to be. We will be the litmus test, and it better perform. OK, I’m not going to be that much of a hard case about it but so far, nothing has really worked. It only makes the stain a little more pale. When you look at it long enough you convince yourself the stain is gone. Or, “it’ll look better when it’s dry.” I’m not going to fool myself anymore. Here I am in full reality of the situation. If it don’t work this time, I think it’s time to rip it up and go with hard wood flooring. And there’s enough chemicals filtered through the carpet already to be tagged a biohazard. Yet, no stains removed! Now I’m on a mission. Let’s do this! Stay tuned for the post-workout tomorrow!

Time for dvd 2

Posted: February 19, 2012 in Uncategorized

Yes, this is the farthest I’ve ever gone in any workout! Four times in a row. If I can do this, what else is out there? OK, I’m through with the first of 12 dvd’s in the program. On Tuesday, we’ll begin with the second disc. Feeling strong folks.

There are three segments in each phase in the program. A 30, 45 and 90 second workouts. My two young boys are watching me from the couch, since I interrupted their Cartoon  Network time. So at the end of each interval session, they applauded. Now I’ve been a musician for 30 years and love the applause, it’s addictive. But try being applauded for working out, even though it’s your kids is hilarious. Enough so that it was hark to catch my breath and laugh at the same time. But a good sign in closing, at the end of the session, I was ready for the next interval, when the instructor said “you did it! Good job!” Really, that’s it? What a sign for me. Again, intestinal fortitude baby, eye of the tiger!!!

Day 3, Eye of the Tiger

Posted: February 17, 2012 in Uncategorized

Just finished 3rd workout it’s Friday, has some wins this morning at work. Good workout, I don’t remember from day one being this out of breath. Maybe it’s a 3rd day growing pain. Whatever, eye of the tiger baby! I am finding out the importance of post workout stretching. Very important, no cramps y’all and drink plenty of water to flush out those toxins. I think I’m going to bust it next time, feeling stronger. I’m thinking about joining some guys from work in jogging. Well let’s not use all of our good ideas at once. Easy now, I think just to focus on getting through the entire workout without stopping once. Off to enjoy the extended weekend.

New Workout Day 2

Posted: February 17, 2012 in Uncategorized

Well here I am day two. One obvious adjustment in this regiment. Note to self, do not workout with the kids in the room. Although I do appreciate the added resistance during my leg lifts, at this point I’m not that far advanced. I will adjust this to do the workout during my lunch hour. So now it’s 11:40, home for lunch and I will continue the remainder of the workout. (post workout 12:30pm) OK felt good a little easier I probably didn’t get the full impact from doing this all at once. That being said, still lots of sweat and increased heart rate. I’m still pumped.

New Workout

Posted: February 13, 2012 in Uncategorized

Since I’m now 46, and 65 lbs. over-weight I’d thought it was time to do something about my whale-like phys-eek. So while at the neighborhood Wal-Mart last Saturday I passed by the X-Factor workout. It’s an 8 week program and the claims are if you stick with it, of course, “if” then your body will be transformed into a lean and more healthy “you.” Maybe I can be the transformed fat guy spokesman. So letting myself eat crap for the rest of the weekend, I had it in my head to begin on Monday. Fortunately I had the day off from work to take my son to a doctor’s appointment. Now it’s Monday morning and I have completed day 1 of the workout. And like many others I have discovered just how out of shape I really am. Just rehashing how fit you used to be, doesn’t manifest itself physically to present reality I’ve found out. Yes the workout was tough but rewarding. I’m feeling quivers in my stomach, butt and thighs. And I thought I would be telling myself I couldn’t do this, but didn’t. Now this is also my first blog. I’m using this to make myself more accountable and maybe if someone else is going through the wilderness being a first-time workout virgin, it may offer some encouragement. So I guess you readers are reading this as my therapy for not giving up. I will apologize in advance for this. So with a good feeling of accomplishment and motivation for the next workout, I’m off to have a breakfast of coffee and shredded wheat. See you after next workout. Happy Reps Everyone.